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existence problem

См. также в других словарях:

  • Existence of God —     The Existence of God     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Existence of God     The topic will be treated as follows:     I. As Known Through Natural Reason     A. The Problem Stated     1. Formal Anti Theism     2. Types of Theism     B.… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Problem of evil — Part of a series on God General conceptions …   Wikipedia

  • Existence of God — Part of a series on God General conceptions …   Wikipedia

  • Existence (Philosophy of) 1 — Philosophy of existence 1 Heidegger Jacques Taminiaux At the very outset and up to the end, the long philosophical journey of Martin Heidegger (1889–1976) remained oriented by a single question, the question of Being, the Seinsfrage. This does… …   History of philosophy

  • Problem of Hell — The problem of hell is an argument against the existence of God. It is a variant of the problem of evil, applying specifically to religions which hold both that:# An omnipotent (all powerful), omniscient (all knowing), and omnibenevolent (all… …   Wikipedia

  • Existence — For other uses, see Existence (disambiguation). Philosophy …   Wikipedia

  • Existence (Philosophy of) 3 — Philosophy of existence 3 Merleau Ponty Bernard Cullen à Henri Godin LIFE AND WORKS Maurice Merleau Ponty was born on 14 March 1908 into a petty bourgeois Catholic family in Rochefort sur Mer on the west coast of France. When he died suddenly, at …   History of philosophy

  • Problem of universals — The problem of universals is an ancient problem in metaphysics about whether universals exist. Universals are general or abstract qualities, characteristics, properties, kinds or relations, such as being male/female, solid/liquid/gas or a certain …   Wikipedia

  • Existence (Philosophy of) 2 — Philosophy of existence 2 Sartre Thomas R.Flynn Born 21 June 1905, in Thiviers (Dordogne), Jean Paul Sartre was raised in the Parisian home of his widowed mother’s parents. After his mother’s remarriage, he spent several years with her and his… …   History of philosophy

  • Problem of evil in Hinduism — Hindu answers to the problem of evil are different from most answers offered in Western philosophy, partly because the problem of evil within Hindu thought is differently structured than Western traditions, mainly Abrahamic traditions.In the… …   Wikipedia

  • Problem of mental causation — The problem of mental causation is a conceptual issue in the philosophy of mind. That problem, in short, is how to account for the common sense idea that intentional thoughts or intentional mental states are causes of intentional actions. The… …   Wikipedia

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